Commons, shared by Measures for Justice logo

East Baton Rouge Parish, LA

Created in partnership with the East Baton Rouge Community Advisory Board & East Baton Rouge District Attorney's Office

East Baton Rouge Commons

Data Powered Change

Ongoing access to East Baton Rouge Parish's criminal justice data.

Commons is a community-driven data tool that shapes criminal justice policy.


Fostering transparency and trust in East Baton Rouge Parish

Common sense becomes more common when the law enforcement collective intentionally partners with its community for positive, transformative action.

Testimonial Photo: Hillar Moore EBR Commons

It is the hope of our office for this online community portal to be exemplary of our collective commitment to data transparency. We want the digital platform to reflect the trust the community places in us, and ultimately, lead to more shared, enriched conversations and engagement.

Hillar C. Moore, III, District Attorney

East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana

Testimonial Photo: Dianna Payton EBR Commons

We need to heal our city and the only way to heal our city is to be transparent and build trust. This is the first step in building that trust — opening the data for the community to see, to review, and to ask questions. This is the beauty of this project overall and what I think it can do for Baton Rouge as a whole.

Dianna Payton, President YWCA of Greater Baton Rouge, EBR Commons CAB member

East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana
